So I don't typically eat at this particular fast food chain but since they have some promotional coupons at the moment I opted for the southwest turkey burger and the jalapeño turkey burger. The proportion is just right-I dislike eating a huge burger because it makes my self-esteem sad. Lol #bodyimagesabotage
Jalapeño burger: boy does this have kick! But I'm an idiot constantly thinking I can handle eating jalapeños when I know my taste buds can't handle it. Masochist dining. Fortunately I didn't suffer a runny nose. The lettuce didn't seem as fresh as the southwest burger.
Southwest burger: it's a bit messy but I like this one better than the jalapeño one. Maybe it's because of the sauce or maybe it's because it's messy and I can imitate all the other A-List celebrity Carl's Jr commercials and lick my fingers and lips.
Cross-cut fries: greasy like all true fast good fries. The initial bite is always good but the aftertaste-I no like! I hate that icky feeling of having grease on the roof of your mouth.