I guess you assign your owns seats when you arrive here.
I came with my friend after my work around midnight for a drink.
We enter the place, no one greeted us. We took a table and sat. The place was half full. Twenty minutes later, we get the drink menu. About half an hour later, the server takes our order. I am going to fast forward like the show Spongebob Sqauarepants... 1 hour later. No drinks! I wasn't sure how to react! I am already so tired after my 16 hours shift, that I had no energy to even get upset .
2nd server noticed us and our empty table. He took our order, and got our drinks within 5 minutes.
You may ask what happened to the first server, well, from where I was sitting, I see he is dancing and grinding with some pretty girls and bringing them drinks back and forth.
After one drink, I dragged my feet from there, and told myself never again I would ever go to this place.