Wright's is a local gem. I've been to different gyms in my life here in PA, which spans 35 years, just recently becoming a gymrat (about 6 years ago I decided eating healthy wasn't bad and that the 80 or so lbs I lost by having the flu could be added to. Thus my journey). I've been to the YMCA in Camp Hill in the central part of the state which I thought would be the best id ever see- nice equipment and a Smith Machine! (I've since graduated to the REAL squat rack and bench). I'd previously gone to Planet Fitness and lost a ton of weight but they didn't allow deadlifing and really. A lunk alarm? I set that off a couple times just by fatiguing my muscles and dropping the weight on the machine. It was time to move on.
Then I moved to the Pittsburgh area but before I moved I furiously researched the gyms my health insurance would pay for. Wimpy gyms galore. Then I found Wright's, went to their website and instantly knew that was my gym. Why? The iron and grit in the pictures. The 'don't come here in your lip gloss and short shorts'. I was a fan instantly and when I got to meet Dave and Bill Ogden (powerlifting champ and NPC Pittsburgh 50+ placer) I knew I was home. Bought a hoodie and have spread my love for their no nonsense approach all over the web. If you're ever in Pittsburgh, take the time to go to Crafton and check out Wright's. Tell them the big quiet black girl sent ya.