Gave TWC a try for 6 months, but after numerous issues and way too much time on the phone/chat line I decided to go back to DIRECTV. Challenges started with simply trying to get the correct name on my account. I tried to do it myself online but this type of change needed customer assistance. Called and was told I needed to go to a TWC location and do it in person. The rep couldn't explain why this simple clerical change could not be completed via the phone and why I would have to take time out of my day and drive to a TWC location to fix a mistake they had made?! Therefore, I left it as is and the name on my account resembled a sofa from IKEA. Fast forward 5 months and while talking to a rep on another issue I asked is she could correct my name on the account - her response was "no problem, that will just take a second." So why was she able to do it and another rep told me I need to go into a TWC office???
When I place our initial ordered for service the sales person made absolutely NO mention of an installation fee. I received a call 1 hour prior to the arrival of the installer and was told at that time there would be a $160 fee payable to the installer when he was finished. I said TWC made no mention of this fee and I would need to call them. The installer said that was fine, but would mean cancelling the scheduled appointment and re-booking for a later date (which as that time was 2 weeks out). I ended up paying the fee and having the work done. I called TWC afterwards to inquire about the fee and was told that that sales person "must've forgotten to mention it" as it was a standard fee for all installs. Shortly after my install I was in Costco talking to a DIRECTV rep about cable TV, who I had, etc. When I said TWC he asked if they mentioned their installation charge when I signed up for service. Weird how the rep from DIRECTV knew of this practice by TWC. FYI DIRECTV does not charge for installation.
Over the months I was calling or chatting with customer service for various reasons. Service outage even with no weather issues. Trying to track down a user guide for the remote which was supposed to be left by the installer. I talked with one rep who said he would put it in the mail to me - well that never happened. Our TV guide was down 3 to 4 times a month and I spent quite a bit of time on the phone trying to get this resolved, but it never got better. Solution was always to go around and unplug each unit and allow it to reboot. This process gets annoying especially when you have a wall-mounted TV and the cords are all behind the TV.
So anyway, after 6 months of hit & miss coverage and a questionable customer service department I pulled the plug on TWC.