Decided against eating here. I don't care how big your cowboy hat is, if someone (A VERY HUNGRY SOMEONE WHO JUST SO HAPPENS TO POTENTIALLY BE A PAYING CUSTOMER!!!) politely (VERY NICELY, AND EVEN TOUCHING YOUR ARM A BIT AS A SIGN OF CAMARADERIE!!!) asks you why there is no salt and pepper on your table, you don't laugh at them. This is not highschool and you are not some dirtbag janitor that goes around smoking hash-oil behind the dumpsters and teasing all of the kids that fall off their skateboards and tossing dirty mop water on their shoes when you clearly saw that they were walking by and trying to talk to a girl. I know FOR A FACT that you are not a janitor because the washrooms are pee-smelling and are not adequately stocked with tissues. Not exactly the sort of place for a satisfying cry-break.
NOTE: Also no ketchup or vinegar (apple cider or white) to be seen.