I just want to express how truly disappointed I am in this establishment and how they handled the unfortunate event that happened today.
I am 5 days postpartum and my parents are in town and I needed last-minute things so feeling better I decided to take a trip to buybuybaby to get the items I was missing and needed very badly.
Some kind of collapsible stroller was on the floor by the baby carriers and I didn't see it as I was browsing the wall as it was behind me on the floor. I tripped over it, twisting myself landing on my wrist and my butt/tailbone. Pretty hard when you just had a traumatic vaginal birth less than a week prior.
I could not get up for a few minutes and not a single staff member even walked by and saw me. After I was able to compose myself and stand back up with the help of my elderly father, I let a gentleman know what happened that he might want to check the surveillance tape to see if an incident report is needed and that they should have people picking things up if they're going to be moved by customers into dangerous places.
He haphazardly scribbled my name and number on a paper and I went on to the register to make my purchases.
I received no follow-up phone call tonight or anything I would expect when somebody is injured in their store. I am just really disappointed in a store that caters to mothers and children and families and then when someone actually hurts themselves at their store because nobody picks up after anybody else, so little care was shown or concern.
Can only be grateful I wasn't carrying my new infant with me or was still pregnant.