i don't know man. I've been here a few times now and I made the mistake of staying at the holiday inn next door one time. It's newer and cleaner and nicer. It really put some perspective on this place. It's apparent Hilton spent money on the lobby, but not so much the rooms. Rooms have that dingy dungey feel and smell to them. Cool that they actually serve booze and food but it's just not the same. And it's Feb and it's hot/humid as balls in hur. Not sure if they still have the heat on or what but everywhere except for my room is smarmy. Don't get me wrong, you are not eating anything more exciting over at the Holiday Inn, but you don't feel as grimy. And it could of just been the crew here this particular night but it seems like there is more of a blue collar crowd that stays here. Not that there is anything wrong with honest working blue collar folk, hell i work with them everyday, but just not cool to be having a kegger in the lobby when you check in, know what I mean :/ Then again, maybe I'm just getting old ;)