Celie Dion is A Total MUST See When in Vegas
This lady with talent FEW people will EVER have gets up there and throws her heart and soul at you with 30 manned orchestra behind her!!!! And her songs are great.
HOW could you less than FIVE STAR that? You are simply cruel if you do. She has to do this act over and over again and I felt bad I do not have to subject myself to the public over and over again-as I am also an artist. But 29 good books and I do not have to deal with less talented people judging me and mean things people will say for no real reason but total envy.
Plus she lost the LOVE of her LIFE and the only MAN she may EVER know! The only heartless people I could think would less than Five Star this artist would be like producers for Donnie and Marie-seriously! We are ALL Celine HAS! Beyond her beauitful children. Do NOT take us from her!
During her performance she NEVER wavered, made a misstep, or lip synched! What more do you want? John Lennon to be revived? Would that be a five star performance in your mind? I am 54 and cannot keep up the shape she has. It is NOT easy!
Thanks Celine for the performance of a lifetime!!! Author Deborah Dolen