The salesperson and manager we spoke to seem nice, but I cannot recommend that anyone shop for a used car at Coulter Nissan.
My girlfriend's car was totaled when another driver decided to see what would happen if she blew threw a stop sign. In the search for a new ride we really liked the Nissan Rogue. Coulter advertised a 2008 Certified Rouge at a price just above what we were looking for. The mileage was pretty good so we checked it out and loved it while test driving it. The problem came when we were shown the car fax. It had been in a t-bone crash and sold at auction. I don't know how it could be called certified after that. Last I checked a car that has been in an accident cannot be certified.
They then showed us a 2010 Rogue that was on the lot. It wasn't certified, but they said they could get it certified (apparently they can certify anything). The inside was a lot more beat up and it reeked of cigarette smoke. We smelled like that car for the rest of the afternoon. Gross.