These motherf*****s screwed me over, so I'm going to return the favor with this review.
Terrible service, terrible facility and terrible pricing. If it was free I would not go back. That is how terrible it was. I gave them a dress with stains on it and it came back to me with the exact same stains plus a funky gym smell like someone had rub their sweaty arm pits all over it. When I walked in to pick it up, the sweaty gentleman (or assh***) greeting me might of had something to do with that. They offered to re do it for free, as if it was some kind of magnanimous offer. But I wasn't about to be fooled twice. Instead I asked very calmly for a return of my money and they said no. They shrugged and dismissed my concerns and said people make mistakes. It cost me $20 to have my beautiful $200 dress be returned to me in worse condition that it was when I gave it to them. And no, people do not make mistakes. I am a regular dry/wet cleaning consumer. I have tried over twenty different facilities throughout the GTA and prices may have varied and customer service may have varied, but one thing remained consistent: My clothes always came back clean!
Stay Fresh, I hope your business goes bankrupt! You are worthless creeps that take people's money and then forget to clean their clothes. Burn in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!