Never ever even attempt to purchase a vehicle here. I made the mistake of buying my car alone. The salesman was great but I had to push hard for what I wanted. They try to bring in the sales manager to close the deal and they tell you a bunch of bs to make you feel confident about the purchase. The finance is very very shady and does horrible business. I was completely lied to about my financing. The finance person actually came to my work to have me sign for a lower interest rate when actually it was a whole different finance company and lied to me about it. They actually crossed out the name in the original contact I had signed after I had signed it just to get the sale!! I tried to return my car and they told me they owned my trade in and they are "cashing" out my original contract even though it was illegal what they did. They were very rude and didn't care that I was lied to. Please if you are smart never ever walk into this dealership. I am filing a complaint with the attorney general.