| - Location: Queen West, Toronto
Items Ordered: Medium Organic Fair Trade Coffee ($2.00) + Mini Donuts (1/2 dozen for $2.75)
This was the perfect place to start off my cheat day for the week. I was there by 10am and there were already 5 people ahead of me in line. Once I ordered, I waited a good 5 minutes for my much talked about donuts to arrive. I'm pretty sure I was the first one to order them for the day, as the lovely people behind the counter were firing up their donut maker, for the day.
When I got my bag full of hot, steamy, fresh fried treats, I noticed there were a lot more than six. Not a bad day to be me. Just by looking at the donuts, doused in sugar, immediately I was reminded of Tiny Tom's donuts which reminded me of my childhood, amusement parks and fun fairs. However, these were chewier, in a good way. I can't say which are better, both are equally as delightful.
I would definitely come here again, for both the coffee and donuts, even go out of my way for them. Now that I know where this place is, it'll be a lot easier to find, since it's tucked away on Peter Street under tons of construction.