All I have to say is that Dunkin Donuts is AMAZING. I don't care where we go to get them they are awesome. Plus their iced coffee is delicious too. I'm not really going to rate this particular location as a whole. The location itself was ok, the serve with very subpar. Honestly I could care less about how the service is over the actually product being served here. My husband and I love Dunkin we have had it all over and are very sad that San Diego, doesn't have a public location here. We've had dunkin in New York, Florida, all the way to the Bahamas (that's some true love). I have to say that if you haven't had it, you are truly missing out. There should be a Dunkin on every corner (ok maybe not every corner, but it should be more available). So if you live near one and haven't had it yet GO TRY IT!