Some jerk smashed my car window, which lucky for me, I got to discover Franca's as a result. Franca's is in a rather industrial area along Edmonton trail with several mechanic and auto glass shops near by, so if you break down or some sad lowlife breaks your car window to steal $2.73-ish in change make sure you go to a place that's near Franca's.
They've changed the layout from a coffee shop to more of a restaurant feel with table service. They're still happy to have you hang out and have a coffee, but I'd recommend you stick around for lunch as well.
I had an arugula salad with chicken. It was simple and delicious. When you're working with ingredients like olive oil, parmesan, sea salt, balsamic, and arugula, you don't need much more - but quality goes a really long way. What a smashing salad... And that reminds me of my car window again. What a jerk.
Franca's comes across as a solid Italian restaurant run by a really nice family. I don't know if it's family owned but it feels that way. Its the type of restaurant you could bring your entire family to for a great meal.
Hopefully someone slits my tire soon because I'm eager to head back to Franca's for the dinner experience.