No, you have not made numerous attempts to contact me although you have made numerous promises that you would have the owner call me which never happened. You had been sending bills to the wrong address even though I changed my address with you in January. I posted a picture of the last 3 attempts to email Gina since apparently she doesn't have a direct number and she's never in the office. Why is it so hard to get a call from a manager when a patient has a problem. Also, I completely understand how my insurance works and you can take you little passive aggressive jab about educating me right back because I could educate you on how to answer an email one day. Everyone I've called your office your front counter girls are so irritated about not having any sort of organization and not having the office manager consistently in the office to handle issues. They all say I'm so sorry but I'm new here and I'm not quite sure how to go anout this process yet. Hmm, wonder why you have a new person answering the phone so often. Bad businesses seem to usually have a high employee turnover and unhappy customer reviews. What a coincidence that you have both. Get it together.