Three words: FREE GIFT WRAPPING. *Drops Mic*
Lauren N. and I went wandering around here in search of Christmas presents for the little ones in our lives. It's fun to be the aunties. This place has everything. I was concerned that I would be overwhelmed by both the store and the crowds shopping for Christmas, but I was in so much awe of the place that I could've stayed here all afternoon. I'm pretty much just a big kid.
Here's the other surprising thing: the workers were all happy as can be. That's a big deal to me. I'll tell you right now, I used to work in the toy department at KMart back in my college days. I HATED Christmas during those four years. We're talking stomp a reindeer kind of anger. The crowds, kids throwing toys everywhere, parents throwing toys everywhere. Sidenote: I also know how to mix paint and make keys, in case anyone needs some Nikki trivia questions in the future. Back to Toys & Co, everyone here was helpful and smiling.
This shopping center can be kind of chaotic, so be patient when looking for a parking spot. I recommend driving down to the light over by the Smashburger to make getting out of here a little bit easier.