Ok, I'm going to start out by saying I AM TOO YOUNG FOR THIS! It's embarrassing to admit you need periodontiic help. But the genetic deck is stacked against me. My mom's 18th birthday present back in the day was a full set of upper dentures. I have an older sibling who has dentures. Ugh. So I sucked it up and headed here upon the recommendation of my dentist to increase the upkeep on my still kinda pearly Irish chompers.
Dr. Joe is a really nice guy. I did some research on him and found out he went to Harvard, which, if you mention it, he waves away as though it's nothing.
He and his staff were very careful to explain everything that was going on, and what I needed to have done, while tedious, was not bad at all to deal with. They are great about keeping on you about checking in with how you are doing as you heal up.
Other than it seems like most patients I've seen are at least 20 years older than me, and are being picked up after their appointments by their children while I can still drive, I am adjusting to the fact that there is no shame to getting some additional dental help. It's even kind of cute seeing all these who are around the age my parents would be if they were still around.