The entire time I was shopping at the new Basha's, I wished I was at Safeway ... or even Albertson's.
The Safeway I usually shop at (located at Estrella Parkway and Van Buren) feels so much more decadent. I apologize for being vague, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I must sound ridiculous going on and on about a grocery store.
Basha's had a cold, stark feeling. The flow felt off - liquor right next to produce?
I know a few of my friends have been looking forward to this Basha's since they have a kiddie drop-off area. Fortunately, I usually have the luxury of shopping alone. Plus, I also worry about the kiddie drop-off being a total germ-fest.
I guess when I go grocery shopping and spend more than $100 at a time, I want to feel like I had a lovely retail experience ... not that grocery shopping needs to feel like shoe shopping ... but it helps!