This was the worst and most unsafe place I have ever lived at. For 5 months straight almost every night there were policeman coming in at all hours of the night arresting people. There was also (almost nightly) police helicopters with their search light going over the apartments. It was really common to watch an arrest go down right under my window at 3 am. Also imagine being terrified that someone is banging on your door and trying to break in at 3am in the morning. The security at the apartments is a huge joke. Th security man on duty is always sleeping in his car or no one bothers to even be on duty at all. There are really really creepy people at this complex that make you afraid to even walk from your apartment to your car. If you are a girl, I would never suggest living here. It is so unsafe. Also at one point there was 2 months of no outside lights being on. So it was especially creepy early morning/late night because non of the lamps or above car spots would turn on. Sometimes we would wake up and have no running water for up to 2 days so I had to shower and wash dishes and do everything with gallon jugs. Having the water shut down for everyone was such a common occurrence me and my neighbors started stock piling gallons of water. No explanation why, no discount, or sorry that the water would repeatedly be turned off for long periods of time. If the power goes out (that happens to) just remember that this is a gated community (not like it keeps the weirdos out if anything it keeps them in). One time there was a huge electrical fire that spread from power line to power line and to the back of the asian market by the apartments. Everyone was locked into the complex with a raging fire because the power went out and the gates would not open. People started climbing over the fence to save themselves. It was terrifying.
Lets talk about the terrible management this place has. They are incredibly unhelpful and known for their dishonesty in all situations. The best part is that the staff who had the keys to apartments that are toured through would take people on tours during the day and then party and smoke lots and lots of pot at night. They even gave their friends the keys so they could come and party and smoke pot together and have little sleepovers. There were a few children that were often brought there also which gravely made me worried about their well being.
If this is your last resort to live here I wouldn't take it at any cost. Your life, health, safety, and well being should not be put at risk.