This place was great!! I had never done an escape room before and it was a real blast. I was told that this was the best rated escape room in the country and it only has a 12% success rate. I will say that we did complete it with 15 seconds to spare. The puzzles were fairly difficult yet able to be solved. They really are well put together and there was much thought put in to them. The people that designed them are highly intelligent and know how to tune the difficulty so that it's challenging yet still able to be accomplished. I will caution you though if you truly want to go here to really try and beat the room you will need a group to do it with. Do NOT try it with a PUG [pick up group]. If all of us had not been friends and been able to work together as well as we did there would have been no way that we would have gotten through it. It takes a lot of team work as well as communication. What worked for us was to basically break up in to 2 person teams and process the room that way. If you cannot communicate well you will not beat this escape room it's really just that simple. I want to go back and do the other scenario there, The Study I think it was.