You know I have been going to LuLu's since it opened pretty much. Now my family comes from the east side. In the recent years Menchie's has taken over. I have to say Menchies is gross. Its never clean and has a really nasty after taste. Its like the Mcd's of yogurt. LuLu's is locally owned. The employee's are very nice. They remember you. Someone mentioned how instead of just saying that the middle lever is a twist of the two flavors they name them. Why not? I think thats a great idea. Sometimes its hard to imagine what two flavors together would taste like. You can't think of cake and strawberry together. Cassata cake. The floors are clean. I have never been in there when the floors are not clean. I think the same about Menchie's I have been in many Menchie's. Their floors are never clean ever. Also LuLu's has paycloud which is kind of like a loyalty club. Other places use it as well. Its like Belly. Menchie's does not have this. Menchie's is Kosher yes. But at what cost? If I wanted to be sick after eating yogurt I would chose Menchie's. If I wanted to feel satisfied I would choose LuLu's.