The only word to describe this place is horrible. They give you crappy, old equipment that lasts a couple of months before it breaks. Hours spent on the phone with customer service "zapping" the cable box with codes and finally they tell us we need new equipment. Again. Get to the arrowood road location and have to wait in line 2 hours to get the new equipment. Still doesn't work. So over a week later they send a repair man who tells us we have no service because a different repair man used 4 splicers to get the cable from the line to our house (this repairman said they shouldn't have done it that way) but that he couldn't fix it and someone else would have to come. A week later we finally reach appointment day, leave work early to meet him and then get a call 15 minutes after he was supposed to be here that he isn't coming because "traffic is too bad". I had just driven home and traffic was no worse than it always is. By this point we've had no cable for about 3 weeks. Someone does finally come and fix the problem. For now. Overall, time warner is a huge waste of money and time and just not worth it at all.