After reading these reviews, it is obvious that some people are angry because they didn't get their deposits back. But I know from personal experience, that many rental properties are left in FILTHY and disgusting condition. Many people have pets and they allow their pets to urinate and deficate all over the floors (and they don't poop scoop), trash and food is left all over the place, the walls are black with dirt and have fist holes punched in them... the list is endless. The worst I ever saw was a man who owned 5 dogs and he allowed them to urinate all over the house. It looked as if they had never been allowed outside. The carpet was encrusted with dried urine from one end to the other and you could smell the house from the driveway when the front door was open. Anyway, it's expensive to pay people to fix these things. It's no wonder that Key keeps their deposit. I am sure that in many cases, the deposit isn't even close to the damage repair bills that they have to pay.
I know these things since we have a business that cleans up after those kinds of renters. Anyway, our experience with Key Property Management has been wonderful and we have no complaints.