Recently started heading back to this favorite watering hole of mine and wanted to repost- they're still awesome. Theres a new night bartender by the name of Guy and he's a great addition to the crew- very personable and fun. Theres a pool league that meets there every so often and the normally dont finish up till after 11pm, but they're all nice folks and the bartender makes an effort to make sure anyone else who wants to play can get set up on one of the three tables thats been set aside for those not in the league.
I really wish they'd set up a late night menu with price specials but besides that it's still my favorite quiet place to hang. Friday nights are nice- not packed but it's definitely moving. Fridays me and my friends dont normally have any trouble finding seats but if theres more than 5 sitting at the bar might be a challenge. The booths are always a great place to pick up a game of munchkin tho so its not like its been a heartbreak for us if the bar is out.
Service still rocks, very aware of their surroundings and no one seems to get out of hand ever because of staff.
Roaming on my own Ive no problem being here into the wee hours of the night, pool still cheap and drinks pretty reasonable :)