Master of the Skies of Las Vegas!! No other company compares and I used them all in Vegas! by Author Deborah Dolen
Maverick is the best and bought the Vegas Strip night package and Halsey was our outstanding pilot! I had no cash on me to tip him and I am SO SORRY for that! I scheduled a different helicopter company that day to take us over the Grand Canyon and that was NOT the great bargain it appeared to be. NEVER use Papillon helicopters even though the striking red is so nice. The truth is they only have TWO rows so two people get shoved in back middle with no view and Papillon is not honest as to who gets front seats.
Maverick ARE the experts for sure and have THREE ROWS in their craft and this becomes quintessential when sightseeing! Plus my assistant who went on the Grand Canyon flight totally basted in the heat on the glass of Papillon.
Anyway thank you HALSEY and MAVERICK for making us know what TRUE flights are all about!
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