Just had the most unacceptable customer service I could ever experience as a Realtor. Set an appointment this morning with Ganser for my client that is selling his home. Needed to review, repair, and or replace an Anderson Doo that was rotting at the bottom. Appointment was scheduled and confirmed for 2pm. I arrive at 1:55 and by 2:15 the Ganser tech is not there, I make my first call to Ganser customer service, they confirmed the appointment, did not know why someone wasn't there, they would call the tech, and they would have someone call me right back... There was no call. Tech is still not there so I called again at 2:30. Same conversation, customer service said they had the job scheduled and could not understand why someone wasn't there. This time they said they would call the "on Call" person and have them call me pronto. The call never happend. With another appointment to attend, I left the property at 3pm. Still no calls from Ganser. I place another call at 3:30 and customer service tells me the tech that was scheduled called in sick at 1:58 because one of his kids was sick. I explain that I have a rotting door and need to reschedule as soon as possible, preferably for Tuesday. Fortunately, customer service is able to schedule for 10am Tuesday morning. Finally, we are getting somewhere.............then it happens. The kick to the teeth, the gut shot, the insult. Please keep in mind that I wasted over 2 hours of my time waiting for a Ganser tech and now customer service is telling me that there will be a $250.00 service charge because the property is being sold.......WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? I quickly told the customer service person that there would also be a $250 fee for poor service and for the tech to have a check ready when they arrive. She naturally thought that was ridiculous and she is correct. It is ridiculous to charg my client a service fee because Ganser failed to do as promised. Ganser, you failed to show up! Your customer service has made your problem everyone else inconvenience. I understand that things happen and a sick child should take precedence. I get that, but just tell the truth instead of making excuses. Customer should not have to make 3 phone calls to the company not a good thing. A great company would admit their mistake and do everything within reason to make things right. Setting a 10am appointment for tomorrow, Tuesday, was a great start and appreciated........ but now you want to charge a $250 fee that comes out of left field..... especially after you have screwed up......... Ridiculous and unacceptable. GANSER YOUR NOT THE ANSWER THIS TIME. Huge disappointment.