| - I have used Park'N Fly as my primary airport parking source for a little over two years. If you travel a lot for business it is definitely worth it for the sole reason of collecting the points for when you go on a vacation.
Traditionally my experiences here have been uneventful, but today unfortunately different.
Normally I log into the Park'N Fly website prior to my trip to ensure my account is updated with my forthcoming travel plans. The day I tried just about a week before my departure the website was down. Fair enough, it happens, and the company was updating its customers on Twitter. Next day, still down. 3rd day, still down. I was starting to get worried. If you book too close to your trip you are ineligible for the discount.
I looked on the website for a corporate phone number; nothing. The only phone numbers are for the individual locations. So I called the Toronto Valet number; no answer. Called again; nothing. Now I am starting to get frustrated.
Finally two days before my trip, the site was back up and I was able to prepare my documents.
I arrive on the Friday morning and have everything ready to use the quick check-in, annnnnd the machines are down.
So I am forced to wait 20 minutes in line and am not happy about the situation. When I get to the counter there is a man I haven't seen working at Park'N Fly Valet before. He doesn't say, "Hello", or even greets me with a smile; fine everyone is entitled to their bad days.
I attempt to give him my rewards card to expedite the process as all my travel info is in their system. He ignores me, and asks for my plate number. I say, "If you pull up my account, all the details are in your system." He ignores me again, "Plate number?" he asks.
"Alright...." I say and give him my plate number.
"What airline is your return trip?" he asks. Now, as I am flying for business my return flight itinerary was booked by our Executive Assistant and I haven't paid much attention. Furthermore the details are on my computer, which is off, and packed deep in my bag.
"Umm." I stutter. "I've never been asked that here before, do you need it."
"Yes. "What airline is your return trip?" he asked.
I'm a bit taken back, as this gentlemen clearly was utterly uninterested with providing any bedside manor today. I start fumbling through my phone looking for into.
"I'm sorry, I am not sure." I said. He simply looks at me, and does nothing. Waiting for me to do something. I keep looking in my phone. Again, cannot find anything.
"Do you not know your return flight?" He asks.
"I'm sorry, I can't find it. Why do I need it?"
"We need it" he responds.
I realize I am not getting anywhere with this clerk, and the long line behind me is starting to mutter about the situation. I cut my losses and pull the manager card
"Can I speak to your manager?" I ask.
He looks at me without any emotion and then motions to his boss.
Instantly the experience changes. Happy smile, "Hi, how are you today! How can I help!"
Within seconds the entire situation was cleared and I had my information. Turns out you don't need the return airline to check-in (duuhhhh).
The manager had the clerk print out my ticket, and I swear he threw it on the counter. No "goodbye" or "thank you" just a loud "NEXT"
It left a sour taste in my mouth. If it wasn't for the Manager saving the day, it would have been a total loss.