It's great having a Bulk Barn right downtown; I've missed having one nearby since I moved. This is a smaller (and I mean cramped) Bulk Barn with not as much selection as the ones further out of the city and beyond.
It is for the most part clean, and hot-ticket items like candy cycle through pretty quickly so it doesn't get too stale, but I've had some bad natural almonds at this location.
The huge lineups are rarer now that the novelty of a new store has worn off. There's no real place to line up per se, except in the last aisle with all the baking chocolate, which is what the staff encourage.
A couple of tips:
If there are red twist-ties around the items you want, don't write the number down. If there are big white tags, write the number on them (not just the name). A lot of those items look similar, like the different types of flour or powdered items. It will save you time at the checkout when the cashier is scrolling through their item code wheel.
If the candy you want is all the same price, you can mix them in one bag.
Go to the spice section first and stock up on small bags if you're getting candy or snacks. The regular bags are HUGE and you don't realize how much you're actually getting. If it seems more expensive than buying it pre-packaged, you probably just got too much.