| - On July 3, 2014 around 9:10 pm, me and my girl friend went to this restaurant, we sit at the table in front of entrance, my girlfriend ask the waiter tea.(the only male waiter. my girlfriend asked tea with the same waiter for three times. he finally bring us the tea, after drinking it, my girl friend saw something in the teacup she use, she opened the teapot, we found there a big spit inside the teapot. i called over a waitress,showed her the inside of the teapot,right away within 1 second she said sorry and brought us another teapot. we still don't felt good, i went over to the counter question the waiter who brought us the teapot why did you spit in our tea, the waiter answer within 1 second, how did you know its spit, i told him, she saw it, i pointing at the waitress who replace our tea(found out she is the owner)after i pointing at the owner, she did not denial and didn't say a word, he look at the waitress(THE OWNER) and reply at me: So? what are you gonna do? ( i personal think they are mother and son relationship)
we just pay the bill and ask receipt and left. after we came back home, my girl friend start to Nausea and vomiting. receipt number: 001-1-0131