Went Sunday night after I spent over one hour reading and literally driving up and down the rod in Chinatown before I picked this place. I did a lot of research for a cheap one hour service. The front desk lady was so. Ice to me. I was put in a private room and was given to Joe. He was excellent. I've been to china and had them also we the U.S. too. Joe is in my top five.
Two options are available only feet $20 for hour or more than feet with back and such for $30. Either is a great deal
Now let's get to the tipping situation. There is a sign it shows $5 and a sad face. $10 Nd it shows a happy face! $10 plus a very happy face. I tipped $15 he earned it. Yes his face was very happy and he thanked me.
PEOPLE. BE FAIR. This is hard work and yes the owner Could charge more but then You would complain about that. This man expected a good tip I'm assuming because he did his best and was awesome. If you are getting such aa bargain would it kill. You? Sure it is based on your satificiation but those who say heck 50 percent or more isn't fair ,SERIOUSLY is it fair to pay $20 or even $30 for an hour work where they don't even get the whole amount. You know you go here for a deal. Treat them with the respect you would like. Would you do this for that cost and then bee happy with a bad low tip. You know the price is under valued. So your tip is right for the effort and the work.i wrote this because they were kind friendly and most importantly they rock. If you want Joe he is dynamite. Again be fair and kind and you will want to be here again and again. I'm going later today to see my Vegas Joe.