The ribeye is brilliant. Very good value in just oz per dollar; however they also age the beef and offer 2 infrequent choices for how you would like it cooked: blue rare on one end of the spectrum and Chicago style as an oddball. Chicago means the outside will be charred and the inside will be whatever temp you want it. I went for Chicago rare, and it was so amazing I didn't use the onion straws or sautéed mushrooms that come with it. I also only had a tiny bite of my twice baked which was very good, but I couldn't spare the room since its a 20 oz cut. The tempura snap peas and asparagus were light crisp and wonderful. The bartender was great and did well with a basil gimlet that was sweeter than I usually allow, but the agave and elderberry went really well with the citrus.
Also, this place looks to require headshots from all staff when applying, but in addition to all being very attractive they all had their hustle on and were keepin the place moving.
Update: 2nd showing? Still a mighty good steak, but much worse service. The bartender was very concerned about closing and not so much serving me. Guess they should've went farther than her headshot...