| - OK, so my girlfriend and I have tried to come here our last 3 visits to Burgh, and it was never open on Mondays (sucky). So needless to say my anticipation was rather built up before entering...
I am not an art / culture / history buff at all, but I do know SOME of his work... pretty much all the famous stuff (Campbell's Soup Can stuff, Monroe photos, etc). What I did not know is that his intention in life was ONLY to be as famous as possible with as little effort as possible.
Example 1: Most of his famous works were done using silk screening... I learned that he did the designs in a sketch (which could have been done by my 15 week old nephew), had someone else make the silk screen patterns for him, than he did the first few pieces... and let someone else make the rest after he liked them. That's B.S.
Example 2: He had his own magazine called the "Interview", and I learned the only reason he started it was just to meet and hang out with stars and famous people. He really didn't care what they had to say, he just wanted to be seen with them... A good plan, but that doesn't make you an artist...
Example 3: The TV show he did was God awful and he just wanted to be in front of the camera like the famous people he interviewed... Again to try and be more famous
Example 4: His work really isn't that inspired... And he totally sold out to main stream media, pretty much saying, HEY! LOOK! I hang out with Elvis and Marilyn Monroe and I am doing this "Great" work, call it art, shove it down your stupid throats and make you pay millions for it!
I was very unimpressed, and pissed I had to pay $20 a pop (plus parking) to see this guy make movies talking like an uneducated idiot, see tranny men deep throat bananas, walk into a room of balloons and call it "interactive" and finally, see a silk screen piece the size of the side of a barn, OF A CAMOUFLAGE PATTERN!!! And have someone say that's art...
Not worth the visit... Only reason it's 2 stars instead of 1 is b/c it was 103 degrees that day in Pittsburgh and the place had free water and A.C.