We recently returned from a 10-day family vacation to Palm Springs and Phoenix...halfway through the trip, the 5 days of pool water had taken a toll on my 7 year-olds ears and she begged me to find her a doctor. A quick Google Maps search found this clinic within 5 miles of the Hilton Squaw Peak where we were staying. They had the highest star rating in the immediate area and accepted my insurance...despite this, you never know what you're going to get at Urgent Care. We arrived at 7:30 am and were the first patients of the day. The lengthy paper work (as expected) took longer than the clinical visit. Both the medical assistant and provider (I believe Nurse Practioner?) were great - kind and calming to my daughter who cried when the otoscope was put into her ear due to the pain she was in. Confirmed swimmers ear, prescribed antibiotic drops and oral as well...the provider was also able to give my daughter some suggestions of how she could enjoy the pool for the remainder of the trip while allowing her ear the dryness it needed to heal. They even gave her a popsicle when the appointment was over...she was so happy to know her ear would feel better soon that I didn't even balk about a popsicle at 7 am :) Thanks so much for you gentle treatment of my little girl!