I SWEAR 2 GOD IF I COULD GIVE THIS PLACE A NEGATIVE 100 I WOULD!! This place sucks!! They are NEVER there when you need them. They pressure u in2 the contract..they charge you these OUTRAGEOUS fees for no reason..THEY are MONEY HUNGRY..Apollo is a SKAM!! He's money hungry..he's never there when I call & I've been trying 2 call 4 several days now! Ohhh but when he needs 2 contact you for a payment he's ALL OVER it. The schedules suck! Very inconvenient..You have people shooting up STEROIDS in the back!! Yes people..Chris (don't know if he's still there) said he & a few members were on illegal steroids! So Apollo if you read this...you BETTER believe I will be reporting you & your skam of a gym 2 the Better Business Bureau! DO NOT JOIN THIS GYM! THEY RENEW YOUR CONTRACT WITHOUT EVEN TELLING YOU..Every time I asked for a copy of MY contact..I was told it would get "emailed" so it took 1 month 2 get a copy emailed & on top of that I couldn't print it..zoom in or download it!! Load of krap!! Apollo I hope you get SHUT DOWN!!!