| - I've been an IL Am Water customer for a little over a year now. Overall the service is fine as long as you don't have to interact with the company. What I mean by that is that after you get everything set up and your automatic billing in order, things work pretty much like clockwork: bill every month, autopay works, no action required. This problem is getting to that point. Setting up my bank draft initially was a problem because customers cannot set it up if you have an outstanding balance on the account. So after getting my bill, I had to send them a check, then wait until the check posted to the account, but not until the next meter-read was processed, so that I could set up the bill pay online while having a zero balance. Couldn't I just pay the bill online then set up the auto draft? Yes, but you are charged a $1.80 fee for paying online, including using an eCheck. So between the stamp for sending a check and the fee for paying online, the only way to avoid a fee to pay is to have auto draft set up. You also cannot pay over the phone. I believe the company does maintain physical locations in the city where you can drop off a check...but frankly I would rather pay the fee than make a special trip. This is 2014 for heaven's sake.
This also recently caused problems when my wife and I switched banks. I went in to change the auto draft information online, but couldn't figure out how to do it. I called "customer service" and was told that first they have to manually delete my old account before I can add a new one. I was also informed (again) that I had to have a zero balance in order to set up the new account, so I would have to pay my bill first. That would require either sending a check (price of stamp), paying online ($1.80), or waiting two weeks until the next auto pay from the old account (which would require me setting up a bank to bank transfer because my direct deposits now go to the new bank), and then call back to have "customer service" delete the old account, so that I could then log in and add the new account auto pay information. Sound ridiculously complicated? That's because it is. It's honestly a joke. I told them that I was unhappy with the process, and they told me that they "don't trust their employees with bank information" so they pay a third party company to process payments and could do nothing about the fee or the process. I told them that if could pick a different water company, I would, but they seemed rather unconcerned (probably because I can't choose another water company). I realize that those of us who use IL Am Water probably don't have any other choice, but I wanted to put my experience out there so you know what to expect.