I find it amusing that you're completely ignoring the facts that we've posted and instead attempting to discredit Darla and I with semantics. The truth is that we stood and chatted with the man that the insurance company sent to look at the floor and he said that the filter (which was the owner's fault, BTW) was the problem. We had absolutely no idea that the filter even existed until after the flood. You, yourself told us that the icemaker/water on the fridge did not work properly and had been unhooked. Keep dancing around the facts and we'll keep throwing them out there for all to read.
Oh, what happened to your previous comments? Did you run and alter them, or what? It's OK, the right people saw them before you removed them :)
Also, why did you really leave Cali? Was it because there were rulings against you and so you took off to a state where you felt as though your disgusting ways would be tolerated (and leaving the $$$ due your former Cali tenants unpaid???)
You can have your lawyer contact me and I'll immediately give him my lawyer's #.