I had the worst experience with Mr. Buttwipe Miller; can't even call him Dr. because he's condescending and extremely unprofessional. After initially paying $19 for an exam & x-ray (BTW this didn't include the gum examination to check for periodontal disease, which I have & the whole examination was rushed) I went back for a follow-up consultation to discuss my plan of action. Remind you I had already been to 3 dentists prior, and had a pretty clear understanding of what needed to be done. I was more interested in pricing and options on crowns. After a 40 minute wait he gave me the run-down of what teeth needed treatment (4 total, which was 2 more teeth than what the other 3 dentists said).The moment I voiced my preference on what type of crown I wanted, he shot me down and said he thought the Zirconia was best; even though I stated I had a porcelain fused with metal crown that has lasted me over a decade and that was what I was comfortable with and wanted. In so many words it was his way or the highway as far as treatment, and my wants/needs were irrelevant to him. When I stated that my level of comfort is important and should be taken into consideration, he then stated that he didn't believe he'd be the right dentist for me and wouldn't take me on as a customer. He nor this practice deserve my $$ and I hope you all care enough about the quality of care & concern for your teeth to seek dental care elsewhere. Oh I almost forgot to mention; I asked about removing a previous silver filling that contains Mercury & has caused me some health issues. His response was that there's not enough scientific evidence behind that theory to support him removing a perfectly placed filling(yet MANY dental practices are doing away with amalgam fillings for this vary reason). Do yourselves a favor and pass this place up. There's no COMFORT in Comfort Dental!!