Happened upon this place by word of mouth from a friend. Located in "downtown" Fort Mill, Local Dish offers a welcome alternative to the chains and strip mall restaurants found off 160 and in the Baxter Area.
Menu choices were interesting and service was great. While they appear to still be ironing the kinks out on their menu and other offerings (opened only a week) the Meatloaf, Chicken Pot Pie and Fried Green Tomatoes were great! The place was full by 6:30 and was definitely satisfied with the meal even if it is a bit pricier than other places in the area.
There is parking on the street out front and in the rear off Clebourne. No sign out front as of yet but it is the yellow building next to the Spratt Building.
The only negative I found were that while everything served was very fresh and flavorful, the meatlof was served with what appeared to be canned english peas. Without those I would have given 5 stars. I can look past that with how good the tempura fried green tomatoes were however.
Fort Mill needs a place like this and we will be back.