| - I have been going to this office since I found out I was pregnant almost 3 years ago. I always liked Dr. Newton, but wasn't always thrilled with my experience...I have had to wait a long time to see the Dr. while I was pregnant. They finally came in and told me she was delivering a baby and that's why there a long wait...totally understand that, but they could have told me that so much sooner! Delivered my baby (she wasn't able to be at my delivery) and continued to go as a patient. Had a small lump that she insisted was nothing to worry about...I demanded that it be removed and when I came in for the biopsy results, Dr Newton said she had never seen cells like that before, they are not cancerous...but she said good thing I had it removed! Gee thanks doctor! When it was time for my daughter to find a doctor, I brought her in. She got on birth control but ended up wanting to change her method, so we made another appointment. Our appointment was for 1:15. I had my two year old son with me so it took a few extra minutes to get from the car to the upstairs office. We arrived in her office at 1:20, there was someone at the desk so we sat down. Once she was finished my daughter went up to sign in at 1:25. A few minutes later we were called up to the front and were told we had to reschedule our appointment because we were late. REALLY? We waited months for this appointment and I have waited in this office many times and you can't give a ten minute cushion? Nope, they cannot. They don't care about losing two patients. They didn't care that I was there for my appointment, had my two year old with me and probably only needed five minutes with the doctor to change my daughters method of birth control. They didn't offer to squeeze us in or say hey I'm sorry but because you were a few minutes late your wait may be longer than usual...nothing to help! Just reschedule and get out. I'm really sad that we have to leave this doctor because they aren't flexible or caring about their patients. So when you read other patients saying the same thing, believe them. Not sure what their priority is there, but it certainly isn't the patient. And if you do go there....don't be a single minute late!