This is a decent urgent care. I have been there twice with my son and once for myself. Each time i left i felt like they addressed and took care of whatever I was there for. The only reason I marked it 4 stars and not 5 is because of the male medical assistant that is always there. Or at least has been there each time I have. He is rude, curt and definitely not good with kids. The last time I was there was with my son who we thought had broken his pinky finger. My son is 6 years old. This guy kept asking my son questions about what happened or what hurt and then was getting frustrated at my son's answers so I eventually said I would answer him myself. My son was tired, in pain and just wanted to go home. This man could have tried to reword his questions or change his tone but instead he kept sighing and just repeating himself. But that is not the urgent care's fault, just am employee with a crappy personality. Everyone else has always been kind and helpful. Also very clean