buyer beware! these extensions will shed, they will also tangle really bad. after a few washes it will turn into a rats nest. the quality use to be good it has now changed and it's really bad. the customer service is very bad and shady, they make it nearly impossible to reason with them and make it impossible to return the hair. i have only complained once and have bought hair from them for a while use to be good..not anymore. don't bother this hair is very expensive for the quality it is now. also the course they provide tricks people. you pay them to take a course and they sell you expensive hair leaving not much to make a profit..they want you to work for cheap so you can sell thier expensive hair...don't get tricked by this company and the hair extension school (canadian hair extensions) they advertise on kijji ...just beware the only people making money in this industry are the suppliers and thier is a lot of bad hair out there for a lot of money. there are also a lot of unqualified hair extension installers that will ruin your hair listed on kijji as well. just be careful..proceed with caution...and remember false advertising it's everywhere.
they put a bad taste in my mouth i will no longer buy or supply my clients with this hair. sheds 100%, tangles 100% and turns to rats nest even if you use only products made to extensions. also beware of course