Our dear friends tied the knot this past weekend. I almost cried!
The Chapel was a bit hard to find at first "Storybook Chapel" apparently is "Graceland Chapel"... OH!
They opted for the traditional ceremony. I naturally assumed it would be cheesy, but it was really well decorated, the AC was blasting (Yeay) it saved us from the Vegas heat.
Her son walked her down the "aisle" - Then they proceeded to their vows. She started choking up.. then I started choking up.. then everyone around us was choking up. So sweet!
I loved that it wasn't a long boring traditional ceremony - 10 minutes tops. Then off for picture in the "Courtyard".
Small but very well maintained. This is honestly one of the nicest Vegas Chapels I think is available.
Outside did NOT have AC.. so we started melting, but that is A-OKAY. :) - The pictures were lovely and we were able to mingle before heading off to change and Brunch.
If I ever do a Vegas wedding, I would consider Graceland Chapel.