Woke up the day we were leaving by a broken fire sprinkler that went off in our room. It saturated all our clothing & other belongings. We were forced out in the hallway as we could not see anything & the water pressure was too much to bare.
One of the managers came up and placed us in another room as we waited for all our belonging to be dry cleaned. Unfortunately that wasn't going to be for another 8 hours & my fiance and I needed to get home. We decided to wait. In the mean time we were able to buy ourselves new clothes, underwear & shoes. We also had lunch & the MGM was nice enough to cover the cost with no issues as long as we presented them with receipts.
The end of the day came & our belonging were nowhere near ready. Risk management offered to send it via Fed-Ex so that we could start our journey home. We left and stayed in contact with them. Once our stuff arrived we sent a list back to Risk management of all our belongings that got damaged & was unrepairable. They didn't hesitate to offer to pay for the things as long as we sent receipts & pictures.
To our surprise when we finally received the check (1-2 weeks) we received a letter inviting us back free of charge.
I can't go into all the details of our ordeal. There were times when frustration set in. Looking back though, I believe MGM & the risk management did what they could to keep us happy.