When we think of steak we go to Longhorn for a great steak at a great price. We always have great service. Last night was a bit different not in the food and certainly not in the service. And believe me I understand that we live in the land of freedom of speech but with all that has taken place in our city in the past couple of weeks we should really focus on doing the right thing and treating ALL people with respect. We witness our waitress who was a black woman being totally disrespected by a white man that was seated in her service area. To the point she was in tears. She told her manager what was had taken place and in turn she refused to continue waiting on him so they sent another young lady (white) to service his table. I'm sorry but there is no way I would ever have my employees not feeling safe at there work place where most of us spend more time than our homes. I'm sure $30-$90 bucks and trust $90 is pushing it. Is not worth the safety of your employees. This man should have been asked to leave. There has to be a starting point and if we had and ounce empathy of how she felt or still feel that someone can come in and belittle her with racial demeaning words than I'm guessing Longhorn supports exactly what we said "Her life didn't matter because She's Black"
I would like to apologize to her I'm sorry she has to work for a company that hires managers that can't comprehend better judgement when it comes to the safety of their staff of ALL nationalities.
I finished my steak at home