I work for a small company with animals. My boss is a 70 year old woman. She needed to have her batteries looked at for her motor home. I took 6 30 pound batteries to the shop because god knows my boss would have trouble doing it at 70. They shop owner was aware I was bringing the batteries. I pull in to the yard no one even says anything to me I walk threw the shop and in to the office. The owner is sitting behind the desk looking at a cell phone. I say I'm here from where I work to drop off some batteries he says ok leave them out side the shop door. I said you want me to unload them as he is still looking at his cell phone says yes just leave them out side to shop door. So I go out side and start taking the batteries out of my truck. The owner comes out side and says WHAT ARE YOU ALL PISSED YOU HAVE TO UNLOAD THEM.