Update 5/24/11. I've decided to remove a star. Since the transition with the new management, things have consistently gone down hill. Here are a few highlights:
1) While most people were away over Christmas, management decided to send a letter out (dated December 22) letting tennants know they could no longer pay online. I was in NY until January. I found out by my payment NOT going through that there was a change. I was then charged a $45 late fee and had to bring in a bank certified check. WOW.
2) Main office no longer picks up the phone. Calls are routed to a 24 hour call center who cannot help you with anything other than taking messages.
3) Main office CLOSES during business hours. They will put the sign up saying they will return at a certain time - while they are SITTING IN THERE doing paperwork. I was so annoyed I demanded someone speak with me. I specifically asked to change the sign to open and the response was "No, please leave it like that."
4) Instead of providing us with parking passes when needed, management has decided to issue 3 passes per month (they are a thick paper which are easily teared). There are 2 people living in my apartment so there have been many Fri/Sat nights where we have more than 3 people in total coming to visit. When I asked for additional passes I was told to tell my visitors to park in the street. Please note that there are NO problems with parking spaces. I could understand if things were tight and needed to be controlled but in the almost year I've been here there has never been a day where the lots were full to capacity (or even close).