I went here for the first 23 weeks of my pregnancy and they were awful. They kept messing up my health insurance and I got a $17,000 bill. When I called about it they said oops I guess we filed that wrong. You will have to call to get it fixed. Then they gave me the wrong number to call.
At 23 weeks I switched to Magee midwives (amazing). I skipped my last appointment with seasons and asked them to forward my paperwork to the appropriate place as I was ending my care with them. They said ok and hung up on me. I got to Magee to find they hadn't forwarded my info so Magee sent a request 3 times. We never did get it. Seasons then called me in January to let me know I had skipped all my appointments since October and when would I be back to see them to plan my birth... They are so careless. I really advise against going to them.