I bought tires from tirebuyer.com for my daughter's car and had them delivered to the Huntersville AAA location near us during the 4th of July week. My daughter is at NC State and I had planned it so she would be home on the weekend to get the much needed tires installed. It turned out that the AAA in Huntersville had no Saturday appointments available and was closed Friday the 4th and Sunday. I got an appointment for the Prosperity location Saturday and called both locations to see about having one of my sons pick up the tires from Huntersville and take them to Prosperity. Both employees were understanding and said it would be fine to transfer the tires as long as we had a receipt showing they were our tires. My son transferred the tires Thursday afternoon. We dropped the car off Saturday morning and went to the range to do some shooting. The car was waiting as requested, locked, with the key and receipt in the location we requested. They aligned it and put the new tires on for a fair price. I would use AAA again.