| - I'm writing this review purely on treatment. As a resident of the area, I was appalled to see the curt treatment of one young lady and her dog as they entered the kitchen utensils side.
As the two entered, they looked like many of the other customers who enter the multiple dog-friendly businesses in Inglewood. In addition, the small dog was quiet and well behaved, standing next to her owner in the centre aisle. However, I observed the front store clerk, an older woman, physically block the customer's path, saying abruptly, "We sell food items here. You'll have to pick up your dog." The young lady apologized and said she would wait outside for her friend, and the clerk continued, saying repetitively "You need to pick up your dog. RIGHT NOW," even as a potential customer turned quietly and walked out the door.
I watched the store clerk shake her head in disgust. This is not a typical customer service action in Inglewood, and I hope the young lady won't hold it against other businesses for this woman's poor treatment of her and her little furry friend.