I went for an exam and the girl at the desk was extremely helpful. The doctor was quick and honest. When picking out frames a lady named Pat (I hope that's her name) was wonderful and very helpful. She gave me her opinion and explained why she didn't think certain frames looked good on my face. The reason I'm giving it 3 stars is because when I went to pick up my classes a different lady was working and she was so caught up in her personal life and figuring out insurance things for her family on the phone she gave me my glasses and sent me away. I've had glasses for over 20 years and they always need a slight adjustment when I pick them up. I told her it was tight on one side and she said it looked fine. I've had my new glasses for over a week and I still haven't been able to wear them because they are uncomfortable. I'll be back by to have them adjusted and hopefully someone else will be more willing to help.